Adán Ortega, Jr. is the founder of OSG (Ortega Strategies Group) which is a practice specializing in government, media, and public affairs statewide in California. He has over thirty years of experience and understanding of resource and environmental issues through senior leadership roles in Southern California, California, and U.S. government, business and environmental organizations. Recent accomplishments include successful formation and management of the California Association of Mutual Water Companies; legislative authorization of a Joint Powers Risk Insurance Management Authority for small water systems in California; and formation of the Community Water Systems Alliance representing water systems that serve disadvantaged communities in California.
Adan is former Chairman of the board of Mujeres De La Tierra where he now serves on the board; a member of the board of directors of Sustainable Conservation; and represents the City of San Fernando on the Board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. He is a former board member of the California Water Commission, the State Board of Food and Agriculture, Heal the Bay, the National Audubon Society, and Whittier College.
Before creating OSG, Adán was Managing Director of Rose & Kindel; Vice President of External Affairs at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; Chief California Deputy Secretary of State; and Assistant General Manager of West and Central Basin Municipal Water Districts. He is a graduate of Whittier College.