Gifts of Stock

Support our work with a tax-smart donation of shares.

Using shares of appreciated stock to make your contribution can be a tax-smart way to give.

When you transfer shares, you are entitled to claim the full fair market value as a charitable gift (up to 30% of your AGI) if you have owned the stock for more than one year. In addition, by transferring directly (rather than selling the stock and making a cash gift), you avoid paying long-term capital gains tax on the increased value.

To donate shares to Sustainable Conservation:

  1. Request that your broker transfer shares to: Charles Schwab, DTC # 0164 – Sustainable Conservation account #7179-9252.
  2. Advise your broker to add your name to the transaction confirmation.
  3. To ensure that your gift is properly credited to you, please contact Jan Merryweather,, 650-464-8203, or Ashley Boren,, 415-977-0380 x306 to advise of the stock type and amount.

Your privacy is important to us. Sustainable Conservation does not sell or trade our donors’ personal information with other entities. Read our full privacy policy here. Sustainable Conservation has been designated a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation by the United States Internal Revenue Service. Your contribution is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution.