Monthly Archives: August 2021

PPIC Restoration Panel Speaks to Smarter Permitting, Watershed Solutions

Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting panelists (left to right): Moderator Letitia Grenier (2020 PPIC CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow and resilient landscapes program manager, San Francisco Estuary Institute), Heather Dyer (CEO/general manager, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District), Xavier Fernandez (planning manager, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board), Erika Lovejoy (program director, accelerating restoration,…

Sustainable Conservation Releases Key Water Quality Guidance for On-Farm Recharge

Over 600,000 Californians rely on nitrate-contaminated public supply wells for their household water needs. Many others struggle with contaminated groundwater from private, domestic wells – so the numbers are even greater. Recharging groundwater with water quality as a top priority will help the San Joaquin Valley – our nation’s premier farming region – manage through…

San Joaquin Valley Leadership Community Makes Strong Case for Aquifer Recharge

As California faces another historic drought and climate change forever alters our collective understanding of water, we’re motivated and inspired by our San Joaquin Valley Regional Committee’s (SJVRC) leadership, trust, and vision for a sustainable water future. Planning for Future Wet Years Groundwater recharge is a key part of our drought resilience, and planning for…