Nominations Open for the 2022 CA Leopold Conservation Award

Marie and Glenn Nader of 2021 recipients Witcher Creek Ranch pictured with their son, Alan. The Naders’ decades of consistent, monitored and innovative restoration work and their community leadership demonstrate their commitment to natural resources conservation. 

Know a California farmer, rancher, or forester who goes above and beyond in their care and management of natural resources? Nominate them for the 2022 California Leopold Conservation Award

The Award

Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes landowners who inspire others with their exemplary dedication to land, water, and wildlife habitat management on private, working lands. In his influential 1949 book, “A Sand County Almanac,” Leopold called for an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage.

Sand County Foundation, Sustainable Conservation, California Farm Bureau Federation, and national sponsor American Farmland Trust present the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 23 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation. The California Leopold Conservation Award will be presented at the California Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Meeting in December. The recipient will receive $10,000 and an Aldo Leopold crystal.

As we grapple with another year of potential drought, our collective conservation ethic must guide how we build a climate-resilient future for our state. California landowners are on the front lines of environmental stewardship. The Leopold Conservation Award celebrates these inspiring individuals and families, and we hope farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners come forward this year to be recognized.” – Ashley Boren, Sustainable Conservation CEO

Apply Now!

You can submit your own nomination, or you can nominate someone you know in your community who’s modeling the kind of resource stewardship we all aspire to! Click here for Sand County Foundation’s application form.

Reading your conservation stories is one of the true highlights of our year, and we can’t wait to learn about more amazing land and resource stewards across California. Applications can be emailed to Paper applications must be postmarked by July 18, 2022, and you can mail your applications to:

Leopold Conservation Award
c/o Sustainable Conservation
98 Battery Street, Suite 302
San Francisco, CA 94111

For more information on the award, visit If you have any questions about the process, including specific application questions, please feel free to reach out:

The Leopold Conservation Award in California is made possible thanks to the generous support of American Farmland Trust, Sustainable Conservation, California Farm Bureau Federation, Sand County Foundation, The Harvey L. & Maud C. Sorensen Foundation, Farm Credit, The Nature Conservancy in California, McDonald’s and California LCA recipient alumni.