Tag Archives: NOAA

Three Things to Know about the New U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Restoration Authorization

You may have heard about efforts like the State’s 30×30 land and coastal waters conservation initiative or Cutting Green Tape, which aim to conserve and restore habitat faster, and at a larger scale. But, why does the pace and scale matter? With over 90% of California’s riparian habitat depleted and thousands of communities at risk…

Central Valley, Bay-Delta Restoration Gets Big Boost

California’s Bay-Delta is complex, and home to some of our most imperiled species and degraded waterways. There are many opportunities for habitat restoration and stakeholders and advocates are eager to do the work, but navigating the complex web of environmental regulations can be costly, and time-consuming. With significant new funding from bond measures and other…

Patrick Rutten, Restoration Champion, Receives Sustainable Conservation’s First Habitat Partnership Award

Photo: NMFS/Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Salmon Ecology Team Our Accelerating Restoration team is honored to present our first Habitat Restoration Partner Award to Patrick Rutten, long-time National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) leader and California restoration champion. Patrick Rutten’s exemplary 43-year career at NOAA showcases his exceptional dedication to species recovery in California. He’s served…