Monthly Archives: May 2019

Open Nominations for the 2019 CA Leopold Conservation Award

Do you know a California farmer, rancher or forester who goes above and beyond to steward the natural resources under their care? Nominate them for the 2019 California Leopold Conservation Award®! The Award Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes landowners who inspire others with their exemplary dedication to land, water…

CA’s Road to Safe Drinking Water

We’ve heard a lot about safe and affordable drinking water for every Californian from the Governor’s office and in the press, but if you’re confused, don’t worry! You’re not alone. There are multiple paths forward on the issue, and it can be hard to keep them all straight. We sat down with Stacey Sullivan, our…

The UN Report is a Wakeup Call for Unified Action

This week, the United Nations delivered a sobering (if not bleak) report card on how well we humans are stewarding the nearly 9 million plant and animal species estimated to live on Earth. While the final grade isn’t a complete surprise considering our poor performance over the last century, we received a resounding F. Experts…