Tag Archives: Erika Lovejoy

New State Water Board Permit Speeds Habitat Recovery Across California

We’re celebrating dual restoration milestones this fall! As you may know, a new U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service authorization was approved, and we’ve got more good news: the Statewide Restoration Permit (Order) was adopted and the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was certified by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) by a unanimous vote! As you…

PPIC Restoration Panel Speaks to Smarter Permitting, Watershed Solutions

Advancing Ecosystem Restoration with Smarter Permitting panelists (left to right): Moderator Letitia Grenier (2020 PPIC CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow and resilient landscapes program manager, San Francisco Estuary Institute), Heather Dyer (CEO/general manager, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District), Xavier Fernandez (planning manager, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board), Erika Lovejoy (program director, accelerating restoration,…

Cutting Green Tape to Boost Critical Habitat Restoration

Missed our latest webinar? We’ve got you covered! We sat down with a panel of experts to talk about the California Natural Resources Agency’s Cutting Green Tape recommendations to learn about what this initiative is, why it’s needed, and how it will help accelerate restoration and protect our natural resources and ecological systems. Meet the…