Tag Archives: Groundwater

Introducing Mikayla Tran

We’re excited to introduce a new Grizzly Corps member to our team this month: Mikayla Tran! Mikayla Tran (she/her) is excited to be serving with Sustainable Conservation in Modesto, California during the 2021-2022 GrizzlyCorps term. As a fellow, she will assess opportunities for SGMA and CV-SALTS to drive better outcomes in water and sustainable agriculture. […]

NPR Highlights Importance of Groundwater Replenishment in California

Don Cameron examines his almond orchard during a recharge event at Terranova Ranch. Photo: Paolo Vescia In case you missed it, this excellent story on how groundwater recharge can help balance our underground savings accounts features partners like Don Cameron, Aaron Fukuda, and U.C. Davis researchers. It’s also a testament to the hard work and […]

Drinking Water Webinar Tackles Challenges, Solutions to Clean Water For All

Missed our latest webinar? We’ve got you covered! We sat down with a panel of experts to talk about what California’s doing to ensure access to safe, clean drinking water for all our residents. Over 1 million Californians don’t have access to clean drinking water, and many rural (and some urban and suburban) communities are […]

Balancing California’s Water Future

A Vital Resource California’s groundwater – a critical resource in times of drought – is disappearing faster than we’re replenishing it. Our underground savings accounts are tapped, and we face a host of challenges like land subsidence, storage capacity loss and, most importantly, a dwindling water supply for California’s dry times. To address groundwater reliability, […]

Missed California Water 101? Watch the Recording Here!

We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe right now. We look forward to the day when we can meet again in person to discuss and collaborate on environmental solutions for our Golden State. In the meantime, Sustainable Conservation offered the first of our Check In & Connect webinars this week: […]

Water 101: What is “Beneficial Use”?

California’s water is, in a word, complicated. We’re here to try and make it easier to understand. We sat down with our Policy Director, Stacey Sullivan, to dig into the term “beneficial use,” as it’s of particular importance in regard to groundwater recharge now that the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act is in place. Watch our […]

Building Partnerships for San Joaquin Valley Water Security

California’s had a very wet winter, but more water on the surface doesn’t necessarily mean more water under our feet. Groundwater is a key resource for farms, communities and the environment, especially in times of drought. Many groundwater basins across the state are critically over-drafted, and replenishing our underground savings accounts in wet years to […]