Tag Archives: habitat restoration

Roadmap for Restoration

We’d like to introduce Sustainable Conservation’s new web tool for restoration practitioners in the Sacramento River Basin. This resource was made possible thanks to the time and insights of the approximately 80 individuals interviewed across 39 organizations, as well as the agency staff and experts who provided critical reviews of the roadmap resources. View the…

Highlights from 2024 Restoration Conferences

Photo courtesy of SERCAL After a decade of accelerating restoration to revitalize our habitats and ecosystems, we know that establishing permit pathways is just the first step. Outreach, education, and technical resources ensure agencies and restorationists can use the tools we help them build to restore our state. Learn more about Accelerating Restoration’s work to…

Restoration Round-Up: Kern Plateau

by Eric Epstein From county-level programs to multi-agency statewide permits, our Accelerating Restoration program’s impact has grown exponentially in three decades. Hundreds of organizations and landowners have used the permits we’ve helped put in place to restore miles of critical riparian habitat, revitalize our rivers, protect iconic species, and reconnect our surface and groundwater resources.…

Proposition 3 Gets Our Vote

On November 6, Californians will go to the ballot box to vote on a raft of state propositions – 11 in total – from homelessness prevention, to improving children’s hospitals statewide, to establishing a permanent daylight savings time (that’s right, no more switching our clocks twice a year). One proposition in particular that’s important to…