Our Blog

Four New Sponsors Join in Support of AB 2193

We’re excited to announce that four new supporters have joined the effort to pass Sustainable Conservation-sponsored AB 2193! This bill, which would establish a simplified permitting process for landowners wanting to implement small-scale, voluntary habitat restoration projects across California, would greatly accelerate habitat restoration statewide to benefit clean water and wildlife.

PlantRight Featured in “The Designer” Magazine

Check out this beautiful issue of “The Designer” magazine published by the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD). “The Invasives” feature highlights Sustainable Conservation-led PlantRight campaign.

Conservation Tillage in the Central Valley

Sustainable Conservation’s Modesto team recently assisted a Central Valley farmer in implementing a sustainable farming practice known as “conservation tillage.” This method of low-impact cultivation reduces the number of tractor passes needed to prepare fields for planting, dramatically cutting farming-related dust and diesel pollution.

Fast Facts: California’s Groundwater

Check out our infographic for some fast facts about California’s diminishing groundwater and the effects of groundwater overdraft.

Get More from Less with Conservation Tillage

Pictured Above: Strip tillage in progress using newly purchased implements on a field in Hilmar, CA. Mike Winemiller, agronomist with the strip-till equipment rental program unloads implement for use by first-time CT farmer John Cardoza, Project Manager at Sustainable Conservation, visiting a partner dairy in Patterson, California to learn about innovative forage production practices Strip-tilling…