Tag Archives: Staff

2020 Annual Report

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING SUSTAINABLE CONSERVATION IN 2020. As you know, the ethos of Sustainable Conservation is collaboration – with our partners, and with you, our community of donors. Your generosity and solidarity make Sustainable Conservation’s work possible! With the hurdles that we all continue to face, it means so much to have you in…

Grizzly Gratitude Week: Celebrating Elliot Grant

This week, we’re celebrating our GrizzlyCorps fellow Elliot Grant for his great contributions to our soil health research at Sustainable Conservation. Elliot joined us to research soil health practices that might benefit water resources in the San Joaquin Valley and on the Central Coast, and he’s doing a fantastic job! Read on for a bit…

Introducing Our New Program Director: Aysha Massell

Photo: Steve Payer/California Department of Water Resources. We’re excited to expand our Water for the Future team’s capacity and welcome a brand new team member to Sustainable Conservation in December: Aysha Massell! Aysha will work in tandem with Dr. Daniel Mounjoy, our Director of Resource Stewardship, and with our dedicated Water team to facilitate network…