Our Blog

Filling the Bank for California’s Water Future

Though water remains in short supply, we know that by working side-by-side with farmers, water agencies and business to evaluate and promote new approaches to manage water use, our communities will have the water they need for years to come.

Watch: Full Belly Farm Accepts the 2014 California Leopold Conservation Award

This past week marked the California Farm Bureau Federation’s 96th Annual Meeting, during which the 2014 California Leopold Conservation Award recipient, Full Belly Farm, was honored.

Join Sustainable Conservation this #GivingTuesday!

The holidays are upon us once more, and with Thanksgiving quickly approaching, so are Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Consider joining Sustainable Conservation as we take part in this year’s #GivingTuesday!

Full Belly Farm Receives 2014 California Leopold Conservation Award

Congratulations to Full Belly Farm for being named the recipient of the 2014 California Leopold Conservation Award! The award honors private landowners for sound stewardship.

PlantRight: “Growing Together” with the UC Master Gardeners

PlantRight Project Associate, Chris Crawford, details his time at the 2014 UC Master Gardener Conference, where over 650 UC Master Gardeners attended the three-day event.

California’s Proposition 1 Passes: What’s Next?

On November 4, 2014, voters passed Proposition 1 – the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Act of 2014 – by a margin of 67%-33%. Proposition 1 provides $7.5 billion in new and redirected bond funds for a wide range of water related projects.

Sustainable Conservation Teams Up with Farmers & Engineers to Help Boost Water Quality Using Worms

Sustainable Conservation is partnering with a Chilean company, Biofiltro, to pilot an innovative worm bin biofilter.

Latest Survey Results Indicate Increase in Clean-Air Farming Practices

In 2004, only about 490 acres of summer silage corn in the San Joaquin Valley used strip-till. By 2012, the number of acres rose to over 181,000.

AB 2193 Signed into Law!

After a long journey through California’s Legislature, we’re excited to announce that Governor Jerry Brown has signed Sustainable Conservation-sponsored AB 2193 into law!

Turning Cow Waste into an Asset – A Work in Progress

Sustainable Conservation began looking at digesters 15 years ago as a way of addressing challenges surrounding climate change and air & water quality, while also generating revenue from waste.

Working Together to Restore Water in the Central Valley

Exciting news! Sustainable Conservation is partnering with the California Department of Water Resources, Laguna Irrigation District, Kings Basin Water Authority and Coca-Cola to launch a project aimed at recharging dwindling groundwater reserves using floodwater.

AB 2193 advances through State Senate and Assembly

More exciting news from the AB 2193 front! On Tuesday, the California Senate advanced the Sustainable Conservation-sponsored bill to the State Assembly, with a vote of 35-0. Yesterday, the Assembly took a final action on the bill, passing it with a vote of 78-0.