As California faces another historic drought and climate change forever alters our collective understanding of water, we’re motivated and inspired by our San Joaquin Valley Regional Committee’s (SJVRC) leadership, trust, and vision for a sustainable water future.
Planning for Future Wet Years
Groundwater recharge is a key part of our drought resilience, and planning for future wet years is critical – especially when we are in a historic drought. When we do have abundant surface water, we need to recharge our precious aquifers at the right times, on the right soils, and in ways that protect or improve water quality for our communities

Our water-quality guidance suite helps farmers, water managers and community members recharge groundwater in ways that protect our critical drinking water quality.
This strategy will help the San Joaquin Valley – our nation’s premier farming region – to manage through California’s inevitable droughts, ensure safe drinking water for farm-adjacent communities, and ensure a thriving agricultural economy as the region complies with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).
Trusted Partnerships Make Drought Resilience Possible
From our Flood-MAR efforts, we know recharge isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and we need the latest science and guidance available to maximize successful recharge activities. Sustainable Conservation has a decade-plus of recharge momentum, from field trials and water district programs, to technical guidance and statewide leadership.
Hear from Don Cameron, recharge pioneer, on how recharging groundwater is critical to our state’s future in Finding Balance Below: Stabilizing California’s Groundwater, a short film by Nathan Weyland.
Our broad partnerships and trusted relationships position us to deliver balanced information to the growers, water managers, and Groundwater Sustainability Agencies who need it most – and our SJVRC members make this work possible.
“My family farmed their entire life, so I’m a San Joaquin Valley farmer at heart. Our family values have always been rooted in natural systems and I’m invested in both Sustainable Conservation’s approach and work because this provides hope that my grandkids and their grandkids will be able to enjoy California’s unrivaled resources just as I did. We all want to ensure that recharge does not deteriorate water quality, particularly communities’ drinking water supplies, and ideally helps improve water quality for everyone. It’s never felt more important to support Sustainable Conservation’s work than it feels today.” – Dan Dooley, Sustainable Conservation Board Chair
“I’m a farmer, first and foremost, and water is absolutely top of my mind every day. As we look to replenish our water resources for our farms and communities, we need to keep drinking water quality front and center as part of the equation. Sustainable Conservation develops resources that help us do recharge right, when and where it’s needed most, so we can all benefit from a sustainable water future.” – Stuart Woolf, CEO, Woolf Farming
Like Dan and Stuart, we all want to ensure aquifer recharge protects our precious water supplies, and we look forward to continuing our good work with our friends and partners in the Valley to improve our state for everyone.
San Joaquin Valley Leaders Come Together
Thanks to SJVRC members like Dan Dooley, Jon Reiter, and Michael Frantz, we’re making sure everyone knows how to practice recharge for clean, safe, sustainable water. The SJVRC came together to lead a fundraising campaign to support Sustainable Conservation’s up-to-date groundwater recharge guidance and management considerations. Like us, they believe recharge needs to be done right.
The SJVRC have been advising and supporting Sustainable Conservation for the past nine years. Made up of growers, conservation leaders, and community representatives, the Committee has guided our work to bring folks together to solve the toughest problems facing the Valley. The organization is stronger and better for the work our Committee has done to support aquifer recharge, and we are proud to celebrate their leadership and generosity.