Tag Archives: 25th Anniversary

Sustainable Conservation: A Quarter-Century Strong

This year, we’ve been celebrating 25 years of our successful brand of environmental stewardship. That’s a quarter century of bringing Californians together across many divides: environment and economy, farmers and lawmakers, industry and citizens. We’ve done a lot over the two-plus decades we’ve worked to steward California’s land, air and water, and we’re proud of…

A Conversation with Suds Jain

In this fourth installment of our 25th Anniversary profiles, we are featuring Sustainable Conservation supporter Suds Jain. A long-time resident of the South Bay, Suds is engaged in climate change work through teaching, environmental project review, research and legislative advocacy. Where did you grow up and who influenced your environmental path? Suds Jain: I lived…

A Conversation with Sally Liu

  In honor of Sustainable Conservation’s 25th anniversary, we are celebrating the thoughts and perspectives of people that have supported us along the way. Our first profile features Sally Liu, self-described “nature girl” and Advisory Board member, who has known and been involved with us since the early days of our Brake Pad Partnership. We’re…

Celebrating 25 Years of Successful CA Land, Air and Water Stewardship

Keeping California Leading When Sustainable Conservation opened its doors in 1993, we pledged to help California build a flourishing environment and economy by bringing diverse interests together, not dividing them. Over the past 25 years, we’ve worked with everyone, from community business owners to legislators and farmers to corporations, to protect our most important resources…