Tag Archives: Restoration

Here’s how California can conserve 30% of our lands and coastal waters by 2030 | Ashley Boren & Wade Crowfoot in the Sacramento Bee

In their recent Sacramento Bee op-ed, Sustainable Conservation CEO Ashley Boren and California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot call for California to deepen its commitment to achieving the state’s “30×30” goal of conserving 30% of its lands and coastal waters by 2030. For Boren and Crowfoot, this ambitious target isn’t just a policy objective; it’s…

Sustainable Conservation Publishes Key Report on Accelerating Ecological Restoration in the Sacramento Valley and Beyond

Sustainable Conservation is proud to announce a new report, “Accelerating Restoration in the Sacramento Valley and Beyond: Progress and Next Steps to Cut Green Tape in California.” Read the full report here. Read the list of recommendations with agencies, partners, and timelines here. Authors: Erika Lovejoy, Katie Haldeman, Stephanie Falzone, Shayan Kaveh Background California is…

Restoration Round-Up: Butano Creek Floodplain and Streamflow Enhancement Project

by Eric Epstein From county-level programs to multi-agency statewide permits, our Accelerating Restoration program’s impact has grown exponentially in three decades. Hundreds of organizations and landowners have used the permits we’ve helped put in place to restore miles of critical riparian habitat, revitalize our rivers, protect iconic species, and reconnect our surface and groundwater resources.…

California Cuts the Green Tape

Hear from Sustainable Conservation CEO Ashley Boren, California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot and State Water Resources Control Board Chair Joaquin Esquivel on the importance of accelerating restoration now – not years from now.

A picture of CEO Ashley Boren. To the left, text reads "2023 and Beyond"

Persistence, Perseverance: Preparing for our Uncertain Climate Future

Sustainable Conservation has worked in California for 30 years to craft collaborative, enduring solutions to our state’s unique and pressing environmental problems. The start of 2023 has been a challenging time for California. Our hearts go out to all of those devastated by the floods. As we plan for a climate-resilient future, I’m taking a…

New State Water Board Permit Speeds Habitat Recovery Across California

We’re celebrating dual restoration milestones this fall! As you may know, a new U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service authorization was approved, and we’ve got more good news: the Statewide Restoration Permit (Order) was adopted and the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was certified by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) by a unanimous vote! As you…

Three Things to Know about the New U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Restoration Authorization

You may have heard about efforts like the State’s 30×30 land and coastal waters conservation initiative or Cutting Green Tape, which aim to conserve and restore habitat faster, and at a larger scale. But, why does the pace and scale matter? With over 90% of California’s riparian habitat depleted and thousands of communities at risk…