Pilot Project Spurs Grower Interest in Groundwater Recharge
In the midst of a four-year drought, a group of farmers, farm advisors and water managers met to discuss capturing & recharging groundwater basins using floodwater – once the rains begin.
In the midst of a four-year drought, a group of farmers, farm advisors and water managers met to discuss capturing & recharging groundwater basins using floodwater – once the rains begin.
California’s persistent drought has underscored groundwater as a crucial source of water. Unfortunately, groundwater has been drastically over-pumped and the tools needed to manage groundwater effectively haven’t always been available.
Last week, we teamed up with California Ag Solutions to promote conservation tillage and its benefits at the 2015 World Ag Expo. The annual expo draws over 100,000 national and international visitors every year.
About 95% of all Tricolored Blackbirds in the world have made California their home. Now, with much of the state’s wetlands gone, California’s Tricolored Blackbirds have established colonies across Central Valley farms.
Sustainable Conservation journeyed out to the beautiful Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center in Marin County to help plant 90 alder trees across the newly restored portion of Green Gulch Creek.
When you think of cow waste, your immediate thoughts probably revolve less around an image and more around a smell. Turns out, cow waste can also power farms – and even homes.
California’s Central Valley is the state’s hotbed for farming. From the milk we drink to the tomatoes we slice into our salads, this region is integral in providing California’s communities with the amazing produce and food we’re all so accustomed to.
California’s landowners can celebrate that environmental stewardship just got a little easier. Thanks to AB 2193, voluntary habitat restoration can now occur at an unprecedented pace.
This past week marked the California Farm Bureau Federation’s 96th Annual Meeting, during which the 2014 California Leopold Conservation Award recipient, Full Belly Farm, was honored.
The holidays are upon us once more, and with Thanksgiving quickly approaching, so are Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Consider joining Sustainable Conservation as we take part in this year’s #GivingTuesday!
On November 4, 2014, voters passed Proposition 1 – the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Act of 2014 – by a margin of 67%-33%. Proposition 1 provides $7.5 billion in new and redirected bond funds for a wide range of water related projects.
Sustainable Conservation is partnering with a Chilean company, Biofiltro, to pilot an innovative worm bin biofilter.