Tag Archives: Don Cameron

Here’s why Central Valley farmers should champion this California climate proposition | Don Cameron in the Fresno Bee

Read Don Cameron’s Fresno Bee op-ed on why a vote for California’s Proposition 4
presents historic investment in nature-based solutions to safeguard both natural resources and the communities that rely on them.

Ashley Boren Guest Op-Ed for the Sacramento Bee: “A resilient water future for the San Joaquin Valley is within reach. Here’s how”

Sustainable Conservation’s CEO Ashley Boren recently contributed a guest opinion column that has been published in the Sacramento, Modesto, and Fresno Bees as well as the Merced Sun-Star. The piece, titled “A resilient water future for the San Joaquin Valley is within reach. Here’s how”, emphasizes how 2023 was a banner year for groundwater recharge, yet there’s more we…

Water in a Warming World: Fortifying California’s Water Resilience

Missed the latest webinar in our Water in a Warming World series? We’ve got you covered with highlights and a full recording of the event. Sustainable Conservation’s Director of Resource Stewardship Dr. Daniel Mountjoy moderated a fantastic panel of experts who discussed how groundwater recharge and multi-benefit projects can help California fortify our water resilience. Our…

Securing California’s Water Future: A Decade of Aquifer Recharge

In 2021, we’re celebrating 10 years of Sustainable Conservation guiding groundwater recharge in the field and at the state level. Groundwater is critical to the health of our communities, farms, and wildlife habitat. This subterranean resource also makes up a whopping 2/3 of our water supply in drought years. Capturing water when it is available…

NPR Highlights Importance of Groundwater Replenishment in California

Don Cameron examines his almond orchard during a recharge event at Terranova Ranch. Photo: Paolo Vescia In case you missed it, this excellent story on how groundwater recharge can help balance our underground savings accounts features partners like Don Cameron, Aaron Fukuda, and U.C. Davis researchers. It’s also a testament to the hard work and…

Sustainable Conservation Releases Key Water Quality Guidance for On-Farm Recharge

Over 600,000 Californians rely on nitrate-contaminated public supply wells for their household water needs. Many others struggle with contaminated groundwater from private, domestic wells – so the numbers are even greater. Recharging groundwater with water quality as a top priority will help the San Joaquin Valley – our nation’s premier farming region – manage through…