Tag Archives: Restoration

Accelerating Conservation in Marin County

Salmon photo courtesy of the National Marine Fisheries Service/Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Salmon Ecology Team. Right now, it’s more important than ever to celebrate environmental successes. This month, we’d like to spotlight how a coalition of restorationists in Marin County is bringing a holistic, watershed-level approach to salmonid habitat in Lagunitas Creek – and how…

Missed the Lagunitas Creek Restoration Webinar? Watch the Recording Here!

We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe right now. We look forward to the day when we can meet again in person to discuss and collaborate on environmental solutions for our Golden State. In the meantime, Sustainable Conservation offered the next webinar in our Check In & Connect series this…

Permitting, Habitat Wins for Wildlife on CA’s North Coast

Critical restoration is happening! Last month, we visited the Big River watershed in Mendocino County to chat with Elizabeth Mackey of Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project about the program’s great work to restore salmon habitat at a watershed scale, and how they use Sustainable Conservation-sponsored permits to help get their projects off the ground…

Central Valley, Bay-Delta Restoration Gets Big Boost

California’s Bay-Delta is complex, and home to some of our most imperiled species and degraded waterways. There are many opportunities for habitat restoration and stakeholders and advocates are eager to do the work, but navigating the complex web of environmental regulations can be costly, and time-consuming. With significant new funding from bond measures and other…

Celebrating 25 Years of Successful CA Land, Air and Water Stewardship

Keeping California Leading When Sustainable Conservation opened its doors in 1993, we pledged to help California build a flourishing environment and economy by bringing diverse interests together, not dividing them. Over the past 25 years, we’ve worked with everyone, from community business owners to legislators and farmers to corporations, to protect our most important resources…

Reconnecting Fish to Historic Habitat

Location: Quiota Creek, Santa Barbara County Project: Fish passage improvement Restorationist: Tim Robinson, Ph.D., Senior Resources Scientist and Fisheries Division Manager, Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board Endangered Southern California steelhead are getting a big boost thanks to Tim Robinson, who’s working with his colleagues in the Santa Ynez Watershed in Santa Barbara to restore access…

Pescadero Floodplain Revitalized

Location: Butano Creek, San Mateo County Project: Floodplain restoration Restorationist: Kellyx Nelson, Executive Director of San Mateo County Resource Conservation District and Sustainable Conservation partner Pescadero is home to a tiny and vibrant farming community that’s also dedicated to preserving its natural environment. When Kellyx Nelson, Executive Director of the San Mateo Resource Conservation District, saw…

Bringing Back What Was Once Lost

Sustainable Conservation is dedicated to making it easier to restore California. Working to balance the needs of humans and habitat is a key priority to ensure resource resiliency for a bright future. One way we can help is by easing the time and cost of restoration permitting while maintaining strict environmental standards. We’re working with state…