From our blog: News

Open Nominations for the 2019 CA Leopold Conservation Award

Do you know a California farmer, rancher or forester who goes above and beyond to steward the natural resources under their care? Nominate them for the 2019 California Leopold Conservation Award®! The Award Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes landowners who inspire others with their exemplary dedication to land, water…

The UN Report is a Wakeup Call for Unified Action

This week, the United Nations delivered a sobering (if not bleak) report card on how well we humans are stewarding the nearly 9 million plant and animal species estimated to live on Earth. While the final grade isn’t a complete surprise considering our poor performance over the last century, we received a resounding F. Experts…

Watershed Moment for Newsom Administration

There’s no denying the challenges facing California’s new governor. Punctuating Gavin Newsom’s January swearing-in was a chorus of critical issues calling for immediate action. Issues like affordable housing, immigration, healthcare, wildfires, climate change, education. He’ll need to juggle these skillfully while keeping the world’s fifth largest economy humming in the face of a slump experts…

Sustainable Conservation: A Quarter-Century Strong

This year, we’ve been celebrating 25 years of our successful brand of environmental stewardship. That’s a quarter century of bringing Californians together across many divides: environment and economy, farmers and lawmakers, industry and citizens. We’ve done a lot over the two-plus decades we’ve worked to steward California’s land, air and water, and we’re proud of…

25th Anniversary: Eric Lee

Keeping California Leading Sustainable Conservation is celebrating 25 years of big wins for California’s environment and people, but we don’t do it alone. Our partners and staff keep our Golden State feeding and leading the nation every day by caring for the land that sustains us.   We sat down with Eric Lee, our Analytics…

Dairy Summit Showcases Environmental Progress, Challenges

A Path Forward, Together Farmers, trade groups, state agencies, academics and Sustainable Conservation staff filled the sold-out, inaugural California Dairy Sustainability Summit in Sacramento last week to showcase how the Golden State’s dairy industry is moving the needle on sustainability. Critical issues like conserving water, protecting air quality and water, boosting renewable energy and reducing…

Lundberg Family Farms Receives 2018 CA Leopold Conservation Award

The votes have been tallied, and thanks to our esteemed panel of judges, we’re pleased to announce that this year’s California Leopold Conservation Award recipient is Lundberg Family Farms. Pioneering Excellence Begun in 1937, Lundberg Family Farms is a multi-generation organic rice farm and innovative rice products processor. The family’s proven commitment to sustainable farming…

Workshop Showcases Promise of Groundwater Recharge in Wine Country

Groundwater Recharge: Part of the Solution Something Californians can all agree on? We need to take a closer look at how we manage our water, and find new ways to be better prepared for dry times in our future. And, we need to do it together. Groundwater recharge isn’t an entirely new concept – in…

Proposition 3 Gets Our Vote

On November 6, Californians will go to the ballot box to vote on a raft of state propositions – 11 in total – from homelessness prevention, to improving children’s hospitals statewide, to establishing a permanent daylight savings time (that’s right, no more switching our clocks twice a year). One proposition in particular that’s important to…

San Francisco Chronicle Letter to Editor

Salmon photo courtesy of the National Marine Fisheries Service/Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Sustainable Conservation recently submitted a San Francisco Chronicle letter to the editor in response to its story, “Marin County ghost town cleared away to save Lagunitas Creek’s coho salmon.” We wanted to educate readers about the population and habitat struggles many of the state’s hundreds…