2022 Annual Report
Learn about what your support made possible in 2022, and how you helped build a more sustainable water future for our state.
Learn about what your support made possible in 2022, and how you helped build a more sustainable water future for our state.
We’re launching an exciting new program focused on the soil-water nexus for a healthier, more sustainable California
We’re welcoming two new members to our Communications and Soil Health teams: Eric Epstein and Sam Williams!
Hear from Sustainable Conservation CEO Ashley Boren, California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot and State Water Resources Control Board Chair Joaquin Esquivel on the importance of accelerating restoration now – not years from now.
This week, we’re celebrating our GrizzlyCorps fellow Modibo Keita for his excellent contributions to our water team at Sustainable Conservation. Modibo joined us to help identify and assess opportunities for SGMA and CV-SALTS to increase the effectiveness of groundwater management through collaboration and consolidation. Meet Modibo Prior to his service term, Modibo received a Bachelor of…
Actions such as the Executive Order will help the state’s water supply system adapt to the realities of climate change, which will continue to bring heightened storm events, as well as more frequent and intense dry periods.
We recap our 2023 kick-off webinar on groundwater recharge, drought, California storms and what it all means for our water future
Sustainable Conservation has worked in California for 30 years to craft collaborative, enduring solutions to our state’s unique and pressing environmental problems. The start of 2023 has been a challenging time for California. Our hearts go out to all of those devastated by the floods. As we plan for a climate-resilient future, I’m taking a…
Californians are accustomed to wet winters and the stress flooding brings along with this important replenishment cycle. Rain and snowpack totals are significant, but what does this all mean for our water future? Is it enough?
Is the drought over? No, but it’s complicated – so get in touch! We walk you through our work to date on recharge, flood risk and water quantity.
We’re taking a moment to thank you for all of the amazing work you helped make possible in 2022.
Doug and daughter Jennifer Beretta. Photos: Paolo Vescia The votes have been tallied, and thanks to our esteemed panel of judges, we’re pleased to announce that this year’s California Leopold Conservation Award recipient is Beretta Family Dairy! Finding Balance Long ago, Doug Beretta was taught that you only milk as many cows as your land…