Tag Archives: Water for the Future

Celebrating 25 Years of Successful CA Land, Air and Water Stewardship

Keeping California Leading When Sustainable Conservation opened its doors in 1993, we pledged to help California build a flourishing environment and economy by bringing diverse interests together, not dividing them. Over the past 25 years, we’ve worked with everyone, from community business owners to legislators and farmers to corporations, to protect our most important resources…

Sustainable Conservation, Earth Genome Build Tool to Boost CA Groundwater Resiliency

Building a Toolbox for Smart Water Management California recently passed landmark groundwater legislation aimed to help boost critically over-drafted groundwater basins statewide and build a more secure water future for communities, agriculture and the environment. Groundwater is a go-to resource for drinking and irrigating farmland, especially during our state’s frequent droughts. Under this law, regional…

Recent Storms Fill Groundwater Recharge Basin Built by Public-Private Alliance

From construction to capture: Laguna Irrigation District recharge basin receiving flood flows for the first time. Photos by Scott Sills. Rain has returned to many parts of California, and we’re pleased to share an update on a multi-partner effort you may be familiar with: the Laguna Irrigation District dedicated groundwater recharge basin. An alliance of…