Tag Archives: Waste Not


Happy new year to you and your family and friends. Thank you for being part of the Sustainable Conservation community! A more sustainable water future is possible, and our climate resilience matters now more than ever. We’re grateful for your generosity and steadfast support and are proud to celebrate 30 years of sustainable and transformational…

A Watershed Moment: Kate Ridgway on Curiosity and Environmental Ethos

Sustainable Conservation donor and Los Angeles native Kate Ridgway has been starstruck since she was five years old, when her father took her out of the urban sprawl of LA and up to her family’s forest service cabin at Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains. “After dark, we went down to the lake…

Collective Momentum: Latest Issue of Thrive California

Despite 2021’s many curveballs, we’ve shared a year of hard-won progress toward thriving California communities, farms, and wildlife. From the water pumped up from our aquifers that sustains us during droughts to the families who grow the food we eat, and the habitat that nourishes our plant and animal neighbors – our health depends on so much…


It’s 2022, and we’ve weathered another challenging year. Our ongoing public health crisis and seismic climate paradigm shift revealed a critical truth: we are in this together. The only way we can envision and enable a bountiful water future for all Californians is by working for change with and alongside one another. Us humans, the…

2020 Annual Report

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING SUSTAINABLE CONSERVATION IN 2020. As you know, the ethos of Sustainable Conservation is collaboration – with our partners, and with you, our community of donors. Your generosity and solidarity make Sustainable Conservation’s work possible! With the hurdles that we all continue to face, it means so much to have you in…

Feeding the Future: Can Dairies be Environmentally Sustainable?

Missed the latest webinar in our new Feeding the Future series? We’ve got you covered with highlights and a full recording of the event. Sustainable Conservation’s Director of Business Partnerships Ryan Flaherty moderated a fantastic panel of experts who discussed daily dairy operations, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water quality concerns, and sustainable practices. Our panel included…

Introducing Sarah Castle & Charles Delgado

We’re excited to introduce two new team members this month: Senior Analyst Sarah Castle and Policy Director Charles Delgado! Sarah Castle joins us as our new Senior Analyst with more than 10 years of experience as a soil scientist working to understand land use and climate change impacts on soils. Under the general guidance of…

Dairy Field Days Demonstrate Clean-Water Benefits of Innovative Irrigation System

We love what we do every day to make sure California has clean, affordable and reliable water, but the most satisfying part of our work is seeing the solutions we craft with partners start to take off. We’ve been updating you on our innovative manure subsurface drip irrigation system over the past few years and…